In 1925 the three brothers Emil, Hans and Karl Kramer founded the „Maschinenfabrik Gebrüder Kramer“ in Gutmadingen. The first German motor mowers were produced here. Also a small haulier with a 4-hp-gas-engine was fabricated in Gutmadingen. In 1932 with a four-wheels-mower the first tractor was brought on the market. One year later further models followed, altogether equipped with Güldner-engines. This first Kramer-hauliers revolutionised the agriculture in German. In 1934 the production in the Kramer-factories was changed to assembly line work, so in 1939 the 10.000th haulier was produced. In 1952 the main office of the company moved to Überlingen at Lake Constance. A part of the production now also took place here. Since 1958 industry and construction machines was affiliated into the product program and one year later the first German wheel loader with all-wheel drive was developed. In 1973 the focus of the company was changed to construction machines and one year later the tractor production was abandoned completely. At this particular time about 100.000 Kramer-hauliers had been launched. Today after different renamings and fusions the Kramer-factories are part of the Wacker-Neuson-concern.